
What IS That Thing?

Check out this old article from the San Francisco Bulletin. Some pioneers found an unidentifiable creature in the…

The Trumpets Are Sounding!


When the Dead Don’t Decay

We’re not talking embalming. We’re talking a bona fide mystery of dead bodies staying preserved as if they…

Sound Waves Can Make Things Invisible!

Okay, so maybe not invisible, but transparent is pretty darn close. And maybe only plastic. But we’re closer…

The CDC Plan for the Zombie Apocalypse!

Yes, you totally read that right! The CDC has an actual plan for a zombie apocalypse! Everything you…

We’re Growing Neanderthal Brains

Don’t be surprised when we have Neanderthals roaming our streets. We’re growing brains, which means it won’t be…

The Chestburster of Earth

Nature has an earthly chestburster, and it’s super creepy. It also stings like an SOB. When this wasp…

Edison’s Last Breath

Edison’s last breath in a tube seems like something that should be in a steampunk story. Or maybe…

Black Holes Could Actually Be Colliding Wormholes

Okay, so maybe this isn’t exactly fresh news. We’ve been writing about this possibility for generations now. But…

Your Modern Exorcism, Now Digital!

Need an exorcism? They can be done over the phone now! How might this affect your possession story?…

Cheryl Murphy is Asian with brown hair in a single braid and a smirk.

ACES: the society for editing


Contact Ink Slinger

Cheryl (AT) inkslingereditorialservices (dot) com
or leave me a voicemail at (213) 293-8507



Projects Accepted

science fiction (SF), fantasy, interstitial, urban fantasy, steampunk, cyberpunk, mannerpunk, young adult (YA), new adult (NA), women’s fiction, middle grade (MG), romance, paranormal romance (PNR), horror, splatterpunk, thriller, action, mystery, comedy, literary fiction, satire, erotica, memoir, self help, graphic novels, comic books, scripts, blogs, and websites.

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