
Scientists Are Hunting For A Mirror Universe And Attempting To Open Portals Into It

“Imagine a world where everything is exactly the same as this one but no one knows of its…

Harvard Says Oumuamua May Be an Alien Probe

So there’s this big cigar-shaped thing that passed us by in January of 2018. One that seemed rather…

Proboscidea louisianica (Louisiana devil’s-claw) | NPIN

Source: Proboscidea louisianica (Louisiana devil’s-claw) | NPIN

Watch Strange, Glowing Bacteria Harpoon and Swallow DNA to Evolve

An astonishing new video shows a bacterium reach out into space, snatch a piece of DNA and stuff…

The Thorny Devil Has Built-In Straws

This desert lizard sucks water through microscopic channels in its skin up to its mouth like a built-in…

Binary Stars To Merge, Explode In 2022

” Two stars, which are actually a contact binary (two stars that orbit each other, and also share a…

Town on Fire for Fifty Years

Centralia, Pennsylvania has been on fire for over fifty years! If that’s not urban fantasy gold, I don’t…

Cheryl Murphy is Asian with brown hair in a single braid and a smirk.

ACES: the society for editing


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or leave me a voicemail at (213) 293-8507



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