Smoke free and writing again!

Butt it's just smoke.. 3Ashtray with cigarette butts on a white background   Objects / Household
Altoids are better for you.

Excellent!  I’ve quite smoking, but I’m still on imperfect ground.  Good enough to write again, though and living on Altoids.  The struggle to not run to the gas station to put myself in a nicotine induced coma is ongoing but under control.

Now that I’m feeling able to write, here’s what’s been on my mind while I was detoxing:

I have to wonder, how many writers start out loving their idea, then get into a spot where it’s not working out so well, but keep going only to discover that it’s picked back up again?  I’m sure it happens a lot but what do you do about the part that floundered?  Especially if it’s integral to the story. Or maybe you think it’s more integral than it really is and you just need a little shove to cut?

Rough patches are hard, how do you get through them?


Anne R. Allen
May 19, 2010 3:52 am

Major Congrats for kicking the evil weed. I did it nearly twenty years ago and I think it was the toughest thing I ever did. I still miss it sometimes (I miss how it made me feel, not the actual, stinky, lung-shredding experience)I'm in a rough patch myself. The book I thought would be my best ever just fell apart at page 140. I'm trying writing another part of the book, figuring I can go back and fill in the blanks, if it works out. Or maybe what I'm doing now will be another book entirely–who knows? I'm trying to keep going in spite of it all.

May 19, 2010 9:22 pm

Thank you, Anne. It's definitely the hardest thing I've done. I can't imagine what it must be like to come off crack!I do the same thing. I'll just move on to the next chapter or scene until I have enough information to connect them. Usually I have a rough idea but can't flush out the details until I've moved on a bit further.But I also know that my stories have their own ideas and we don't always agree!

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Cheryl Murphy is Asian with brown hair in a single braid and a smirk.

ACES: the society for editing


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