Ink Slinger #BeInspired

Your Own Webcam Can Spy on You

A Brave New World is upon us, as I know you’re all already aware. Here’s a bit of tech you could put in your next AI-robot overlords novel. And let’s think about social implications in a society that loves to publicly shame people from their couch. Now they can know what you’re looking at no matter where you are. All we need is an eye in the sky. Better keep those eyes straight ahead…

New software created by Brown University computer scientists could help website owners and developers easily determine what parts of a page are grabbing a user’s eye.The software, called WebGazer.

Source: Software turns webcams into eye-trackers

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Cheryl Murphy is Asian with brown hair in a single braid and a smirk.

ACES: the society for editing


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or leave me a voicemail at (213) 293-8507



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