
Need to Hide a Planet?

So if you’re ever in need of making an entire planet disappear, this might interest you. A beam…

Parasite Hijacks Chimps’ Brains And Makes Them More Likely To Be Killed By A Leopard | IFLScience

Just in case you didn’t have enough zombie origin stories. http://www.iflscience.com/plants-and-animals/parasite-hijacks-chimps-brains-and-makes-them-more-likely-be-killed-leopard

The Mushroom That Bleeds

So if the octopus stinkhorn didn’t creep you out just a little, maybe some bleeding mushrooms will. Check…

Devil’s Finger Fungus Hatch Like a Xenomorph Egg 

This fungus is just nuts. It’s creepy and red and charred looking. It’s also called an octopus stinkhorn….

Volcanic Lightning

Lightning and lava. Let that sink in for a moment. Could be a title, no? Few phenomena can…

Top 10 Ways to Destroy Earth 

Oh yeah. The end is nigh, and you get to pick how. Destroying the Earth is harder than…

Zombie Dogs!

<iframe src=”https://archive.org/embed/Experime1940″ width=”640″ height=”480″ frameborder=”0″ webkitallowfullscreen=”true” mozallowfullscreen=”true” allowfullscreen></iframe> Okay, so Russian scientists made zombie dogs in 1940. What’s…

Because Cthulhu Wallpaper!

Hubs would kill me. I can’t say I’m not tempted anyway. Would it be a work expense? You…

There Is A Trench In Loch Ness!

This just came through my feed as I was getting all angsty about football screwing up my X-Files…

And the Planets!

So remember in The Dark Crystal when the three suns lined up in the crystal chamber for the…

Cheryl Murphy is Asian with brown hair in a single braid and a smirk.

ACES: the society for editing


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Cheryl (AT) inkslingereditorialservices (dot) com
or leave me a voicemail at (213) 293-8507



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