
We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Oxygen

Millions of years underground can make for some strange evolutions. Creepy-crawlies galore! BBC – Earth – The bizarre…

Time Crystals?

So much jargon that I don’t particularly want to delve into because Time Suck, but hey, someone out…

Hello, Skynet!

I wonder how much closer we are to an actual Skynet? First ‘Cyber Grand Challenge’ shows software can…

Do You See Faces?

On the surface (pun intended!), it seems like this is an odd choice for a #BeInspired post, but…

Attack of the 75-Year-Old Frozen Anthrax

Bacteria can survive some pretty harsh conditions. It’s a trope that’s certainly been done before in fiction, but let’s…

Black Holes Still Suck Things In

Here’s the good news: scientists think they figured out how they can see inside a black hole. Bad…

Cyborgs: Not Just Fiction

Okay, I realize that the video is about the feel-good work that can be done. The upbeat music…

Actual Vampire Science. For Real.

In case you needed vampire fodder. A vamp could do some serious damage in under 5 minutes. 6.4…

Your Own Webcam Can Spy on You

A Brave New World is upon us, as I know you’re all already aware. Here’s a bit of…

Artificial Bacteria

We can create life, and now we can create life in several different ways. There was a time when…

Cheryl Murphy is Asian with brown hair in a single braid and a smirk.

ACES: the society for editing


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Cheryl (AT) inkslingereditorialservices (dot) com
or leave me a voicemail at (213) 293-8507



Projects Accepted

science fiction (SF), fantasy, interstitial, urban fantasy, steampunk, cyberpunk, mannerpunk, young adult (YA), new adult (NA), women’s fiction, middle grade (MG), romance, paranormal romance (PNR), horror, splatterpunk, thriller, action, mystery, comedy, literary fiction, satire, erotica, memoir, self help, graphic novels, comic books, scripts, blogs, and websites.

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