
Arthurian Legends Can Be Pretty Dark

Cast your net a little deeper into tales from the Arthurian era. He’s had some pretty gnarly encounters,…

Scary Sea Creatures

Sometimes nature provides all the inspiration we need for our creepy-crawlies. Scientists towing nets through the blackness of…

More Lesser Known Myths

More myths to scour through! Source: Lesser Known Myths: 15

Lesser Known Myths

10 Lesser Known Folklore Creatures of the World How folklore and myths came into existence? Here is a…

Do You See Faces?

On the surface (pun intended!), it seems like this is an odd choice for a #BeInspired post, but…

Actual Vampire Science. For Real.

In case you needed vampire fodder. A vamp could do some serious damage in under 5 minutes. 6.4…

Artificial Bacteria

We can create life, and now we can create life in several different ways. There was a time when…

Get Your Red Shoes

So this happened in 1518. It may have been the inspiration for Hans Christian Andersen’s The Pied Piper….

The Mystery of Oxygen and the White Dwarf

Sounds like a weird scifi-fantasy mashup that could really take off… ‘Very strange’: White dwarf star with 99.9%…

Psychic Grave Robber

This guy. If he doesn’t inspire an urban fantasy story of some kind, then I’m not sure anything…

Cheryl Murphy is Asian with brown hair in a single braid and a smirk.

ACES: the society for editing


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Cheryl (AT) inkslingereditorialservices (dot) com
or leave me a voicemail at (213) 293-8507



Projects Accepted

science fiction (SF), fantasy, interstitial, urban fantasy, steampunk, cyberpunk, mannerpunk, young adult (YA), new adult (NA), women’s fiction, middle grade (MG), romance, paranormal romance (PNR), horror, splatterpunk, thriller, action, mystery, comedy, literary fiction, satire, erotica, memoir, self help, graphic novels, comic books, scripts, blogs, and websites.

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