strange science


Scientists don’t really have much to tell about them. There hasn’t been a practical application found for them….

A Rogue Planet!

Have you ever heard of a rogue planet? Yeah, me neither. But it’s a thing, and there are…

The Bermuda Triangle Mystery Answered?

As if just being the Bermuda Triangle wasn’t enough, now add air bombs to the mix! What was…

Heart Cells Made from Scratch 

Holy cow, y’all! We can make heart cells! Three known transcription factors are capable of reprogramming connective tissue…

Unexplained High-Speed Electrons Outside Earth’s Magnetic Field

Yeah, I have no idea what this can be used for, but it sounds really cool! In the…

More Frozen Stuff Waking Up

More on the zombie bacteria-virus-whatever front! What can’t freeze to death can kill you… Okay, so not everything…

Scary Sea Creatures

Sometimes nature provides all the inspiration we need for our creepy-crawlies. Scientists towing nets through the blackness of…

Time Crystals?

So much jargon that I don’t particularly want to delve into because Time Suck, but hey, someone out…

Black Holes Still Suck Things In

Here’s the good news: scientists think they figured out how they can see inside a black hole. Bad…

Cyborgs: Not Just Fiction

Okay, I realize that the video is about the feel-good work that can be done. The upbeat music…

Cheryl Murphy is Asian with brown hair in a single braid and a smirk.

ACES: the society for editing


Contact Ink Slinger

Cheryl (AT) inkslingereditorialservices (dot) com
or leave me a voicemail at (213) 293-8507



Projects Accepted

science fiction (SF), fantasy, interstitial, urban fantasy, steampunk, cyberpunk, mannerpunk, young adult (YA), new adult (NA), women’s fiction, middle grade (MG), romance, paranormal romance (PNR), horror, splatterpunk, thriller, action, mystery, comedy, literary fiction, satire, erotica, memoir, self help, graphic novels, comic books, scripts, blogs, and websites.

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