Today we are going to talk about how to build your mailing list. There are two ways to build your list. You can build your mailing list organically, which means you collect emails from people who sign up for it because they want to keep in touch with you. They want to know what is going on with your writing and get updates. Or you can buy a list, which is not recommended.
When I first published my book (and for several months after), I had a really hard time marketing. I couldn’t understand why. I’ve done this for years for other people. It was genuinely hard to get out there and push for attention. My pitches were half-hearted. I felt embarrassed to talk about the book. My husband finally took me to task.
Point of view is probably one of the most important choices you will make as an author. Will you choose first person? It has the advantage of being inherently intimate. The reader knows what the character is thinking and sees everything from their perspective. That can be fun. When the character is fooled, so is the reader. It can link the reader emotionally to the narrative. First person is a great choice for fiction.
What’s your book about? How you answer that question can mean the difference between an agent or publisher and relative obscurity. It can absolutely set you on the path to having a bestselling indie title.
Today, we’re going to talk about characters. All stories root for someone to stop being an a**hole. Maybe the person doesn’t realize they are being an a**hole. Maybe they do. But at the heart of every story, we want the character to get their sh*t together. To overcome their basic internal garbage and rise above their circumstances and win.
A fantastic and fun reference article for common problems. (One of my faves is the Tom Swifty!)
Need help figuring out how to choose an editor? Janell Robisch has some great tips for you. Vetting…
[dropcap]P[/dropcap]roofreading is surrounded by a cloud of confusion. It’s often taken for granted, tossed out to the wind…
[dropcap]I[/dropcap]t lets your formatter know the decisions you’ve made with your editor on how you want to format…
[dropcap]L[/dropcap]et’s face it, most authors generally don’t know what an editor’s job really is. They have a basic…
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